Officially Announcing Our New Monthly Mini-Salon
Join me and writer Sarah Kokernot to talk creativity through and intuitive and pragmatic lense
If you’re the kind of reader that scrolls all the way to the bottom you’ve seen me mention this new offering, but I figured an in-your-face, dedicated email about it couldn’t hurt!
Starting in February, I will be co-hosting a monthly, half-hour mini-salon with my friend and fellow writer, Sarah Kokernot, author of Your Wild and Radiant Mind. Sarah tends to focus her newsletter on the woo side of writing, but on the back-end she is very practical (she offers coaching to writers, which are filled with actionable tips, and gives excellent feedback). I tend to focus my newsletter on the practical side of writing, but on the back-end I am very woo, which you’ve probably gleaned from my frequent mentions on astrology and tarot. You can read more about Sarah and her work here. Topics for the mini-salon will change every month, and paid subscribers are invited to send us their questions beforehand.
Our first mini-salon topic is on the a false dichotomy between the practical side of writing and the intuitive side of writing. We’re going to talk about how there is a false dichotomy between the practical side of writing and the intuitive side of writing. We can be two things at once! So screw duality!
You can sign up for the first mini-salon here.
The Mini-Salon will take place every second Thursday at 12pm CST//1pm EST. After you sign-up, we’ll send you a Zoom link for the first salon which will be held on Thursday, February 13th. There will be a recording available for paid subscribers.
The Mini-Salon is included in paid subscriber benefits. If you are a paid subscriber, you get into the salon for free as a subscription perk.
If you are a free subscriber, the mini-salon is offered as a pay-what-you-can event with $15 as the suggested fee. You don’t have to pay both of us, just whoever you subscribe to or feel like giving that day. I also want to stress that the suggested fee is a suggestion. We welcome other amounts! My venmo is inesbellina but we’ll also send you our Venmo info before and after the event. Thank you for supporting our work, our expertise, and making these salons sustainable throughout the year.
Paid subscribers are invited to send in their questions to us beforehand. We’ll tailor our conversation to your questions and show up prepared with advice and resources. Please DM your question to us by Monday of that week. Thanks to those who’ve already submitted! We can’t wait to chat about them.
Can’t make it on the date? Paid subscribers can watch the video for up to a month after the live event.
Sign up to receive the Zoom link here.